On the implementation of the spherical collapse model for dark energy models [CEA]


In this work we review the theory of the spherical collapse model and critically analyse the aspects of the numerical implementation of its fundamental equations. By extending a recent work by Herrera et al. 2017, we show how different aspects, such as the initial integration time, the definition of constant infinity and the criterion for the extrapolation method (how close the inverse of the overdensity has to be to zero at the collapse time) can lead to an erroneous estimation (a few per mill error which translates to a few percent in the mass function) of the key quantity in the spherical collapse model: the linear critical overdensity $\delta_{\rm c}$, which plays a crucial role for the mass function of halos. We provide a better recipe to adopt in designing a code suitable to a generic smooth dark energy model and we compare our numerical results with analytic predictions for the EdS and the $\Lambda$CDM models. We further discuss the evolution of $\delta_{\rm c}$ for selected classes of dark energy models as a general test of the robustness of our implementation. We finally outline which modifications need to be taken into account to extend the code to more general classes of models, such as clustering dark energy models and non-minimally coupled models.

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F. Pace, S. Meyer and M. Bartelmann
Wed, 9 Aug 17

Comments: 33 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to JCAP. Comments welcome