Active Galactic Nuclei with a Low-Metallicity Narrow-Line Region [GA]

Low-metallicity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are interesting to study the early phase of the AGN evolution. However most AGNs are chemically matured and accordingly low-metallicity AGNs are extremely rare. One approach to search for low-metallicity AGNs systematically is utilizing the so-called BPT diagram that consists of the [O III]$\lambda$5007/H$\beta$$\lambda4861$ and [N II]$\lambda6584$/H$\alpha$$\lambda6563$ flux ratios. Specifically, photoionization models predict that low-metallicity AGNs show a high [O III]$\lambda$5007/H$\beta$$\lambda$4861 ratio and a relatively low [N II]$\lambda$6584/H$\alpha$$\lambda$6563 ratio, that corresponds to the location between the sequence of star-forming galaxies and that of usual AGNs on the BPT diagram (hereafter “the BPT valley”). However, other populations of galaxies such as star-forming galaxies and AGNs with a high electron density or a high ionization parameter could be also located in the BPT valley, not only low-metallicity AGNs. In this paper, we examine whether most of emission-line galaxies at the BPT valley are low-metallicity AGNs or not. We select 70 BPT-valley objects from 212,866 emission line galaxies obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Among the 70 BPT-valley objects, 43 objects show firm evidence of the AGN activity; i.e., the He II$\lambda$4686 emission and/or weak but significant broad H$\alpha$ emission. Our analysis shows that those 43 BPT-valley AGNs are not characterized by a very high gas density nor ionization parameter, inferring that at least 43 among 70 BPT-valley objects (i.e., $>60$ %) are low-metallicity AGNs. This suggests that the BPT diagram is an efficient tool to search for low-metallicity AGNs.

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K. Kawasaki, T. Nagao, Y. Toba, et. al.
Fri, 28 Jul 17

Comments: 14 pages including 14 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journal