Simultaneous Monitoring of X-ray and Radio Variability in Sagittarius A* [HEAP]

Monitoring of Sagittarius A* from X-ray to radio wavelengths has revealed structured variability — including X-ray flares — but it is challenging to establish correlations between them. Most studies have focused on variability in the X-ray and infrared, where variations are often simultaneous, and because long time series at sub-millimeter and radio wavelengths are limited. Previous work on sub-mm and radio variability hints at a lag between X-ray flares and their candidate sub-millimeter or radio counterparts, with the long wavelength data lagging the X-ray. However, there is only one published time lag between an X-ray flare and a possible radio counterpart. Here we report 9 contemporaneous X-ray and radio observations of Sgr A*. We detect significant radio variability peaking $\gtrsim$176 minutes after the brightest X-ray flare ever detected from Sgr A*. We also report other potentially associated X-ray and radio variability, with the radio peaks appearing $\lesssim$80 minutes after these weaker X-ray flares. Taken at face value, these results suggest that stronger X-ray flares lead to longer time lags in the radio. However, we also test the possibility that the variability at X-ray and radio wavelengths is not temporally correlated. We cross-correlate data from mismatched X-ray and radio epochs and obtain comparable correlations to the matched data. Hence, we find no overall statistical evidence that X-ray flares and radio variability are correlated, underscoring a need for more simultaneous, long duration X-ray–radio monitoring of Sgr A*.

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D. Capellupo, D. Haggard, N. Choux, et. al.
Mon, 10 Jul 17

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ