de Sitter symmetries and inflationary correlators in parity violating scalar-vector models [CEA]

In this paper we use conformal field theory techniques to constrain the form of the correlations functions of an inflationary scalar-vector model described by the interaction term $f_1(\phi)F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu} + f_2(\phi)\tilde{F}_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu}$. We use the fact that the conformal group is the relevant symmetry group acting on super horizon scales in an inflationary de Sitter background. As a result, we find that super horizon conformal symmetry, constraints the form of the coupling functions $f_1, f_2$ to be homogeneous functions of the same degree. We derive the general form of the correlators involving scalar and vector perturbations in this model and determine its squeezed limit scaling behaviour for super horizon scales. The approach followed here is useful to constraint the shape of scalar-vector correlators, and our results agree with recent literature on the subject, but don’t allow us to determine amplitude factors of the correlators.

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J. Almeida, J. Motoa-Manzano and C. Valenzuela-Toledo
Mon, 19 Jun 17

Comments: 22 pages + 5 pages appendix