Presence of mixed modes in red giants in binary systems [SSA]

The frequencies of oscillation modes in stars contain valuable information about the stellar properties. In red giants the frequency spectrum also contains mixed modes, with both pressure (p) and gravity (g) as restoring force, which are key to understanding the physical conditions in the stellar core. We observe a high fraction of red giants in binary systems, for which g-dominated mixed modes are not pronounced. This trend leads us to investigate whether this is specific for binary systems or a more general feature. We do so by comparing the fraction of stars with only p-dominated mixed modes in binaries and in a larger set of stars from the APOKASC sample. We find only p-dominated mixed modes in about 50% of red giants in detached eclipsing binaries compared to about 4% in the large sample. This could indicate that this phenomenon is tightly related to binarity and that the binary fraction in the APOKASC sample is about 8%.

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N. Themessl, S. Hekker and Y. Elsworth
Thu, 1 Jun 17

Comments: 3 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of the joint TASC2/KASC9/SPACEINN/HELAS8 conference “Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars 2016”