The chemistry of episodic accretion in embedded objects. 2D radiation thermo-chemical models of the post-burst phase [SSA]

Episodic accretion is an important process in the evolution of young stars and their environment. The observed strong luminosity bursts of young stellar objects likely have a long lasting impact on the chemical evolution of the disk and envelope structure. We want to investigate observational signatures of the chemical evolution in the post-burst phase for embedded sources. With such signatures it is possible to identify targets that experienced a recent luminosity burst. We present a new model for episodic accretion chemistry based on the 2D, radiation thermo-chemical disk code ProDiMo. We have extended ProDiMo with a proper treatment for envelope structures. For a representative Class I model, we calculated the chemical abundances in the post-burst phase and produced synthetic observables like intensity maps and radial profiles. During a burst many chemical species, like CO, sublimate from the dust surfaces. As the burst ends they freeze out again (post-burst phase). This freeze-out happens from inside-out due to the radial density gradient in the disk and envelope structure. This inside-out freeze-out produces clear observational signatures in spectral line emission, like rings and distinct features in the slope of radial intensity profiles. We fitted synthetic C18O J=2-1 observations with single and two component fits and find that post-burst images are much better matched by the latter. Comparing the quality of such fits allows to identify post-burst targets in a model-independent way. Our models confirm that it is possible to identify post-burst objects from spatially resolved CO observations. However, to derive proper statistics, like frequencies of bursts, from observations it is important to consider aspects like the inclination and structure of the target and also dust properties as those have a significant impact on the freeze-out timescale.

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C. Rab, V. Elbakyan, E. Vorobyov, et. al.
Fri, 12 May 17

Comments: 17 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A