ALMA Images of the Orion Hot Core at 349 GHz [GA]

We present ALMA images of the dust and molecular line emission in the Orion Hot Core at 349 GHz. At 0.2″ angular resolution the images reveal multiple clumps in an arc ~ 1″ east of Orion Source I, the protostar at the center of the Kleinmann-Low Nebula, and another chain of peaks from IRc7 towards the southwest. The molecular line images show narrow filamentary structures at velocities > 10 km/s away from the heavily resolved ambient cloud velocity ~5 km/s. Many of these filaments trace the SiO outflow from Source I, and lie along the edges of the dust emission. Molecular line emission at excitation temperatures 300–2000 K, and velocities > 10 km/s from the ambient cloud, suggest that the Hot Core may be heated in shocks by the outflow from Source I or from the BN/Source I explosion. The spectral line observations also reveal a remarkable molecular ring, ~ 2″ south of Source I, with a diameter ~ 600 AU. The ring is seen in high excitation transitions of HC3N, HCN v2=1, and SO2. An impact of ejecta from the BN/Source I explosion with a dense dust clump could result in the observed ring of shocked material.

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M. Wright and R. Plambeck
Fri, 12 May 17

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures