The Sun's Fast Dynamo Action [CL]

We provide a synthesis model demonstrating the “fast dynamo” action of the Sun. The latter is essentially accomplished via two toroidal structures presumably formed in the tachocline and placed symmetrically with respect to the equatorial plane. The two tori are characterized by several prominent key-properties as follows: First, in each “Torus” a surplus of negative charge is entrapped for approximately the 11-year sunspot cycle. Second, the net negative charge of Torus, moving with the solar rotational speed, generates a huge toroidal current which, in turn, builds up an intense poloidal magnetic field. Third, each Torus is placed at a specific distance from the Radiative Zone, so that the rotational speed (u) of the entrapped electrons equals the local propagation velocity for an electromagnetic disturbance (v). Thus, two Torus electrons satisfy the condition that the repulsive electrostatic force equals the attractive magnetic force caused from the two elementary currents. Fourth, the surplus negative charge can steadily increase; electrons are systematically attracted inwards. The electrons remain without any “Debye shielding” action in the Torus-core region, while they demonstrate a “Debye anti-shielding effect” closer to the Radiative Zone. Thus, each Torus electron “moves” with zero resistivity and the Torus core region behaves like a gigantic “superconductor” at the extremely high temperatures of tachocline. Fifth, the tori move equatorward drifting on a surface on which the condition u=v is satisfied. Moreover, we present a preliminary 3D solar circuit, for the overall 22-year cycle, with the ability to reverse the magnetic field. If the suggested model is accepted as a workable solution, then many longstanding unresolved questions concerning the powerful CMEs, the flares, the electron acceleration mechanism and the stellar dynamo could be readily addressed.

Read this paper on arXiv…

D. Sarafopoulos
Fri, 24 Mar 17

Comments: 52 pages, 17 figures