A data base of synthetic photometry in the GALEX ultraviolet bands for the stellar sources observed with the International Ultraviolet Explorer [IMA]


The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) has produced the largest photometric catalogue of ultraviolet (UV) sources. As such, it has defined the new standard bands for UV photometry: the near UV band (NUV) and the far UV band (FUV). However, due to brightness limits, the GALEX mission has avoided the Galactic plane which is crucial for astrophysical research and future space missions. The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite obtained 63,755 spectra in the low dispersion mode during its 18 years lifetime. We have derived the photometry in the GALEX bands for the stellar sources in the IUE Archive to extend the GALEX data base with observations including the Galactic plane.Good quality spectra have been selected for all IUE classes of stellar sources. The GALEX FUV and NUV magnitudes have been computed using the GALEX transmission curves, as well as the conversion equations between flux and magnitudes provided by the mission (galexgi.gsfc.nasa.gov). Consistency between GALEX and IUE synthetic photometries has been tested using White Dwarfs (WD) contained in both samples. The non-linear response performance of GALEX inferred from this data agrees with the results from GALEX calibration. The photometric data base is made available to the community through the services of the Centre de Donn\’ees Stellaires at Strasbourg (CDS). The catalogue contains FUV magnitudes for 1,631 sources, ranging from FUV=1.81 to FUV=18.65 mag. In the NUV band, the catalogue includes observations for 1,005 stars ranging from NUV = 3.08 to NUV= 17.74 mag . UV photometry for 1,493 not included in the GALEX AIS GR5 catalogue is provided; most of them are hot (O-A spectral type) stars. The sources in the catalogue are distributed over the full sky, including the Galactic plane.

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L. Beitia-Antero and A. Castro
Mon, 16 May 16

Comments: Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics