Key Issues Review: Numerical studies of turbulence in stars [SSA]

The numerical simulation of turbulence in stars has led to a rich set of possibilities regarding stellar pulsations, asteroseismology, thermonuclear yields, and formation of neutron stars and black holes. The breaking of symmetry by turbulent flow grows in amplitude as collapse is approached, which insures that the conditions at the onset of collapse are not spherical. This lack of spherical symmetry has important implications for the mechanism of explosion and ejected nucleosynthesis products. Numerical resolution of several different types of three–dimensional (3D) stellar simulations are compared; it is suggested that core collapse simulations may be under-resolved.
New physical effects which appear in 3D are summarized.
Connections between simulations of progenitor explosion and observations of supernova remnants (SNR) are discussed.
Present treatment of boundaries, for mixing regions during He–burning, requires revision.

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W. Arnett and C. Meakin
Fri, 18 Mar 16

Comments: 8 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, submitted to Reports on Progress in Physics