Evolutionary Stages and Disk Properties of Young Stellar Objects in the Perseus Cloud [SSA]


We investigated the evolutionary stages and disk properties of 211 Young stellar objects (YSOs) across the Perseus cloud by modeling the broadband optical to mid-infrared (IR) spectral energy distribution (SED). By exploring the relationships among the turnoff wave bands lambda_turnoff (longward of which significant IR excesses above the stellar photosphere are observed), the excess spectral index alpha_excess at lambda <~ 24 microns, and the disk inner radius R_in (from SED modeling) for YSOs of different evolutionary stages, we found that the median and standard deviation of alpha_excess of YSOs with optically thick disks tend to increase with lambda_turnoff, especially at lambda_turnoff >= 5.8 microns, whereas the median fractional dust luminosities L_dust/L_star tend to decrease with lambda_turnoff. This points to an inside-out disk clearing of small dust grains. Moreover, a positive correlation between alpha_excess and R_in was found at alpha_excess > ~0 and R_in > ~10 $\times$ the dust sublimation radius R_sub, irrespective of lambda_turnoff, L_dust/L_star and disk flaring. This suggests that the outer disk flaring either does not evolve synchronously with the inside-out disk clearing or has little influence on alpha_excess shortward of 24 microns. About 23% of our YSO disks are classified as transitional disks, which have lambda_turnoff >= 5.8 microns and L_dust/L_star >10^(-3). The transitional disks and full disks occupy distinctly different regions on the L_dust/L_star vs. alpha_excess diagram. Taking L_dust/L_star as an approximate discriminator of disks with (>0.1) and without (<0.1) considerable accretion activity, we found that 65% and 35% of the transitional disks may be consistent with being dominantly cleared by photoevaporation and dynamical interaction respectively. [abridged]

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H. Zhang, Y. Gao, M. Fang, et. al.
Tue, 9 Jun 15

Comments: 31 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. To appear in a special issue of RAA on LAMOST sciences