White dwarfs as Physics laboratories: lights and shadows [HEAP]


The evolution of white dwarfs is essentially a gravothermal process of cooling in which the basic ingredients for predicting their evolution are well identified, although not always well understood. There are two independent ways to test the cooling rate. One is the luminosity function of the white dwarf population, and another is the secular drift of the period of pulsation of those individuals that experience variations. Both scenarios are sensitive to the cooling or heating time scales, for which reason, the inclusion of any additional source or sink of energy will modify these properties and will allow to set bounds to these perturbations. These studies also require complete and statistical significant samples for which current large data surveys are providing an unprecedented wealth of information. In this paper we review how these techniques are applied to several cases like the secular drift of the Newton gravitational constant, neutrino magnetic moments, axions and weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS).

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J. Isern, S. Torres and A. Rebassa-Mansergas
Mon, 7 Feb 22

Comments: 21 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, published in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science