Reconstructing k-inflation from $n_s(N)$ and reheating constraints [CL]

Inspired by the reconstruction scheme of the inflaton field potential $V(\phi)$ from the attractors$n_s(N)$, we investigate the viability of reconstruct the inflationary potential within the framework of k-inflation for a non-linear kinetic term $K(X)=k_{n+1}X^n$ through three expressions for the scalar spectral index $n_s(N)$, namely: (i) $n_s-1=-\frac{2}{N}$, (ii) $n_s-1=-\frac{p}{N}$, and (iii) $n_s-1=-\frac{\beta}{N^q}$. For each reconstructed potential, we determine the values of the parameter space which characterize it by requiring that it must reproduce the observable parameters from PLANCK 2018 and BICEP/Keck results. Furthermore, we analyze the reheating era by assuming a constant equation of state, in which we derive the relations between the reheating duration, the temperature at the end of reheating together with the reheating epoch, and the number of $e$-folds during inflation. In this sense, we unify the inflationary observables in order to narrow the parameter space of each model within the framework of the reconstruction in k-inflation.

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R. Herrera, M. Housset, C. Osses, et. al.
Wed, 10 May 23

Comments: 40 pages and 6 figures