Dynamics of axion-neutral pseudoscalar mixing [CL]


Axions mix with neutral pions after the QCD phase transition through their common coupling to the radiation bath via a Chern-Simons term, as a consequence of the $U(1)$ anomaly. The non-equilibrium effective action that describes this mixing phenomenon is obtained to second order in the coupling of neutral pions and axions to photons. We show that a misaligned axion condensate induces a neutral pion condensate after the QCD phase transition. The dynamics of the pion condensate displays long and short time scales and decays on the longer time scale exhibiting a phenomenon akin to the “purification” in a Kaon beam. On the intermediate time scales the macroscopic pion condensate is proportional to a condensate of the abelian Chern-Simons term induced by the axion. We argue that the coupling to the common bath also induces kinetic mixing. We obtain the axion and pion populations, and these exhibit thermalization with the bath. The mutual coupling to the bath induces long-lived axion- neutral pion coherence independent of initial conditions. The framework of the effective action and many of the consequences are more broadly general and applicable to scalar or pseudoscalar particles mixing in a medium.

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S. Cao, W. Huang and D. Boyanovsky
Fri, 28 Apr 23

Comments: 35 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.07658