Preheating in Einstein-Cartan Higgs Inflation: Oscillon formation [CL]

We make use of classical lattice simulations in 3 + 1 dimensions to study the preheating stage of Higgs Inflation in Einstein-Cartan gravity. Focusing for concreteness on a simplified scenario involving the seminal Nieh-Yan term, we demonstrate the formation of dense and spatially localized oscillon configurations constituting up to 70% of the total energy density. The emergence of these meta-stable objects may lead to a prolonged period of matter domination, effectively modifying the post-inflationary history of the Universe as compared to the metric and Palatini counterparts. Notably, the creation of oscillons comes together with a significant gravitational wave signal, whose typical frequency lies, however, beyond the range accessible by existing and planned gravitational wave experiments. The impact of the Standard Model gauge bosons and fermions and the potential extension of our results to more general Einstein-Cartan settings is also discussed.

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M. Piani and J. Rubio
Thu, 27 Apr 23

Comments: 28 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Link for the animation: this https URL