Millihertz X-ray variability during the 2019 outburst of black hole candidate Swift~J1357.2$-$0933 [HEAP]

Swift J1357.2$-$0933 is a black-hole candidate X-ray transient, which underwent its third outburst in 2019, during which several multi-wavelength observations were carried out.~Here, we report results from the \emph{Neil Gehrels Swift} and \emph{NICER} observatories and radio data from \emph{AMI}.~For the first time,~millihertz quasi-periodic X-ray oscillations with frequencies varying between ${\sim}$~1–5~$\rm{mHz}$ were found in \emph{NICER} observations and a similar feature was also detected in one \emph{Swift}–\textsc{XRT} dataset.~Our spectral analysis indicate that the maximum value of the measured X-ray flux is much lower compared to the peak values observed during the 2011 and 2017 outbursts.~This value is ${\sim}$~100 times lower than found with \emph{MAXI} on MJD~58558 much ($\sim$~68 days) earlier in the outburst, suggesting that the \emph{Swift} and \emph{NICER} fluxes belong to the declining phase of the 2019 outburst.~An additional soft component was detected in the \textsc{XRT} observation with the highest flux level, but at a relatively low $L_{\rm X}$~$\sim$~$3{\times}10^{34}~(d/{\rm 6~kpc)}^2\rm{erg}~\rm{s}^{-1}$, and which we fitted with a disc component at a temperature of $\sim 0.17$~keV.~The optical/UV magnitudes obtained from \emph{Swift}–\textsc{UVOT} showed a correlation with X-ray observations, indicating X-ray reprocessing to be the plausible origin of the optical and UV emission.~However, the source was not significantly detected in the radio band.~There are currently a number of models that could explain this millihertz-frequency X-ray variability; not least of which involves an X-ray component to the curious dips that, so far, have only been observed in the optical.

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A. Beri, V. Gaur, P. Charles, et. al.
Thu, 27 Apr 23

Comments: 14 pages, Accepted for publication in MNRAS