Stochastic inflation resolves primordial perturbations non-linearly, probing their probability distribution deep into its non-Gaussian tail. The strongest perturbations collapse into primordial black holes. In typical black-hole-producing single-field inflation, the strongest stochastic kicks occur during a period of constant roll. In this paper, I solve the stochastic constant-roll system, drawing the stochastic kicks from a numerically computed power spectrum, beyond the usual de Sitter approximation. The perturbation probability distribution is an analytical function of the integrated power spectrum $\sigma_k^2$ and the second slow-roll parameter $\epsilon_2$. With a large $\epsilon_2$, stochastic effects can reduce the height of the curvature power spectrum required to form asteroid mass black holes from $10^{-2}$ to $10^{-3}$. I compare these results to studies with the non-stochastic $\Delta N$ formalism.
E. Tomberg
Mon, 24 Apr 23
Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table
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