JWST/NIRSpec Measurements of Extremely Low Metallicities in High Equivalent Width Lyman-$α$ Emitters [GA]


Deep VLT/MUSE optical integral field spectroscopy has recently revealed an abundant population of ultra-faint galaxies ($M_{UV} = -$15; 0.01 $L_{\star}$) at $z=$2.9$-$6.7 due to their strong Lyman-$\alpha$ emission. The implied Lyman-$\alpha$ equivalent widths are in excess of 100-200 Angstrom, challenging existing models of normal star formation and implying extremely young ages, small stellar masses, and a very low amount of metal enrichment. We use JWST/NIRSpec’s microshutter array to follow-up 45 of these galaxies (11h in G235M/F170LP and 7h in G395M/F290LP), as well as 45 lower-equivalent width Lyman-$\alpha$ emitters. Our spectroscopy covers the range 1.7$-$5.1 micron in order to target strong optical emission lines: H$\alpha$, [OIII], H$\beta$, and [NII]. Individual measurements as well as stacks reveal line ratios consistent with a metal poor nature (2$-$30% $Z_{\odot}$) and intense ionizing radiation fields. The galaxies with the highest equivalent widths of Lyman-$\alpha$, in excess of 120 Angstrom, have lower gas-phase metallicities than those with lower equivalent widths. This implies a selection based on Lyman-$\alpha$ equivalent width is an efficient technique for identifying younger, less chemically enriched systems.

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M. Maseda, Z. Lewis, J. Matthee, et. al.
Wed, 19 Apr 23

Comments: 13 pages, 4 appendices; submitted to AAS Journals