Catching Tidal Dwarf Galaxies at a Later Evolutionary Stage with ALFALFA [GA]

We present deep optical imaging and photometry of four objects classified as “Almost-Dark” galaxies in the ALFALFA survey because of their gas-rich nature and extremely faint or missing optical emission in existing catalogs. They have HI masses of $10^7$-$10^9$ $M_{\odot}$ and distances of $\sim$9-100 Mpc. Observations with the WIYN 3.5m telescope and One Degree Imager reveal faint stellar components with central surface brightnesses of $\sim$24-25 $\mathrm{mag}\,\mathrm{arcsec}^{-2}$ in the g-band. We also present the results of HI synthesis observations with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. These Almost-Dark galaxies have been identified as possible tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs) based on their proximity to one or more massive galaxies. We demonstrate that AGC 229398 and AGC 333576 likely have the low dark matter content and large effective radii representative of TDGs. They are located much farther from their progenitors than previously studied TDGs, suggesting they are older and more evolved. AGC 219369 is likely dark matter dominated, while AGC 123216 has a dark matter content that is unusually high for a TDG, but low for a normal dwarf galaxy. We consider possible mechanisms for the formation of the TDG candidates such as a traditional major merger scenario and gas ejection from a high velocity fly-by. Blind HI surveys like ALFALFA enable the detection of gas-rich, optically faint TDGs that can be overlooked in other surveys, thereby providing a more complete census of the low-mass galaxy population and an opportunity to study TDGs at a more advanced stage of their life cycle.

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L. Gray, K. Rhode, L. Leisman, et. al.
Wed, 19 Apr 23

Comments: 38 pages, 26 figures. Accepted by AJ