[ABRIGED] Stellar feedback in high-redshift galaxies plays an important role in the re-ionization epoch of the Universe. Green Pea galaxies (GPs) postulate as favorite local laboratories. However, at their typical redshift of $z\sim0.2$, the most intimate interaction between stars and surrounding ISM cannot be disentangled. Detailed studies of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies (BCDs) are necessary to anchor our investigations on them. We present here a study in detail UM 462, a BCD with similar properties to GPs uisng high quality optical IFS data with MUSE. Total oxygen abundance by means of the direct method is 12+$\log$(O/H)$\sim$8.02 and homogenous all over the galaxy, in stark contrast with the metallicities derived from several strong line methods. The velocity field for the ionised gas presents a velocity stratification in the area towards the north with redder velocities in the high ionisation lines and bluer velocities in the low ionisation lines. This is the only area with velocity dispersions clearly above the MUSE instrumental width, and it is surrounded by two $\sim$1 kpc-long structures nicknamed \emph{the horns}. We interpret the observational evidence in that area as a fragmented super-bubble fruit of the stellar feedback and it may constitute a preferred channel for LyC photons from the youngest generation of stars to escape. The most recent SF seems to propagate from the outer to the inner parts of the galaxy, and then from east to west. We identified a supernova remnant and Wolf-Rayet stars – as traced by the red bump – that support this picture. The direction of the propagation implies the presence of younger Wolf-Rayet stars at the maximum in H$\alpha$. The ensemble of results exemplifies the potential of 2D detailed spectroscopic studies of dwarf star-forming galaxies at high spatial resolution as key reference for similar studies on primeval galaxies.
A. Monreal-Ibero, P. Weilbacher, G. Micheva, et. al.
Fri, 14 Apr 23
Comments: 29 pages, 25 figures; resubmitted to A&A after taking the referee’s comments and suggestions into account
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