Typical X-ray Outburst Light Curves of Aql X-1 [HEAP]


We show that a typical X-ray outburst light curve of Aql X-1 can be reproduced by accretion onto the neutron star in the frame of the disc instability model without invoking partial accretion or propeller effect. The knee and the subsequent sharp decay in the X-ray light curve can be generated naturally by taking into account the weak dependence of the disc aspect ratio, $h/r$, on the disc mass-flow rate, $\dot{M}\mathrm{in}$, in the X-ray irradiation flux calculation. This $\dot{M}\mathrm{in}$ dependence of $h/r$ only slightly modifies the irradiation temperature profile along the hot disc in comparison to that obtained with constant $h/r$. Nevertheless, this small difference has a significant cumulative effect on the hot disc radius leading to a much faster decrease in the size of the hot disc, and thereby to a sharper decay in the X-ray outburst light curve. The same model also produces the long-term evolution of the source consistently with its observed outburst recurrence times and typical light curves of Aql X-1. Our results imply that the source accretes matter from the disc in the quiescent state as well. We also estimate that the dipole moment of the source $\mu \lesssim 2 \times 10^{26}$ G cm$^3$.

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&. Çoban and U. Ertan
Wed, 12 Apr 23

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PASA