Dark energy is a premier mystery of physics, both theoretical and experimental. As we look to develop plans for high energy physics over the next decade, within a two decade view, we consider benchmarks for revealing the nature of dark energy. We conclude, based on fundamental physical principles detailed below, that understanding will come from experiments reaching key benchmarks:
$\bullet\ \sigma(w_a)<2.5\sigma(w_0)$
$\bullet\ \sigma(w_0)<0.02$
$ \bullet\ \sigma(\rho_{\rm de}/\rho_{\rm crit})<(1/3)\rho_\Lambda/\rho_{\rm crit}$ for all redshifts $z<5$
where the dark energy equation of state $w(a)=w_0+w_a(1-a)$. Beyond the cosmic expansion history we also discuss benchmarks for the cosmic growth history appropriate for testing classes of gravity theories. All benchmarks can be achieved by a robust Stage 5 program, using extensions of existing probes plus the highly complementary, novel probe of cosmic redshift drift.
E. Linder
Wed, 12 Apr 23
Comments: 7 pages
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