HOW-MHD: A High-Order WENO-Based Magnetohydrodynamic Code with a High-Order Constrained Transport Algorithm for Astrophysical Applications [HEAP]

Due to the prevalence of magnetic fields in astrophysical environments, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation has become a basic tool for studying astrophysical fluid dynamics. To further advance the precision of MHD simulations, we have developed a new simulation code that solves ideal adiabatic or isothermal MHD equations with high-order accuracy. The code is based on the finite-difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme and the strong stability-preserving Runge-Kutta (SSPRK) method. Most of all, the code implements a newly developed, high-order constrained transport (CT) algorithm for the divergence-free constraint of magnetic fields, completing its high-order competence. In this paper, we present the version in Cartesian coordinates, which includes a fifth-order WENO and a fourth-order five-stage SSPRK, along with extensive tests. With the new CT algorithm, fifth-order accuracy is achieved in convergence tests involving the damping of MHD waves in three-dimensional space. And substantially improved results are obtained in magnetic loop advection and magnetic reconnection tests, indicating a reduction in numerical diffusivity. In addition, the reliability and robustness of the code, along with its high accuracy, are demonstrated through several tests involving shocks and complex flows. Furthermore, tests of turbulent flows reveal the advantages of high-order accuracy, and show the adiabatic and isothermal codes have similar accuracy. With its high-order accuracy, our new code would provide a valuable tool for studying a wide range of astrophysical phenomena that involve MHD processes.

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J. Seo and D. Ryu
Tue, 11 Apr 23

Comments: 22 pages, 17 figures, submitted to ApJ