Accelerating universe at the end of time [CL]

We investigate whether an accelerating universe can be realized as an asymptotic late-time solution of FLRW-cosmology with multi-field multi-exponential potentials. Late-time cosmological solutions exhibit a universal behavior which enables us to bound the rate of time variation of the Hubble parameter. In string-theoretic realizations, if the dilaton remains a rolling field, our bound singles out a tension in achieving asymptotic late-time cosmic acceleration. Our findings go beyond previous no-go theorems in that they apply to arbitrary multi-exponential potentials and make no specific reference to vacuum or slow-roll solutions. We also show that if the late-time solution approaches a critical point of the dynamical system governing the cosmological evolution, the criterion for cosmic acceleration can be generally stated in terms of a directional derivative of the potential.

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G. Shiu, F. Tonioni and H. Tran
Mon, 10 Apr 23

Comments: 6 pages + appendix