Imprints of a Supercooled Universe in the Gravitational Wave Spectrum from a Cosmic String network [CEA]

A network of cosmic strings (CS), if present, would continue emitting gravitational waves (GW) as it evolves throughout the history of the Universe. This results in a characteristic broad spectrum making it a perfect source to infer the expansion history. In particular, a short inflationary period caused by a supercooled phase transition would cause a drop in the spectrum at frequencies corresponding to that event. However, the impact on the spectrum is similar to the ones caused by an early matter-dominated era or from particle production, making it difficult to disentangle these different physical origins. We point out that, in the case of a short inflationary period, the GW spectrum receives an additional contribution from the phase transition itself. This leads to a characteristic imprint of a peak on top of a wide plateau both visible at future GW observatories.

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F. Ferrer, A. Ghoshal and M. Lewicki
Thu, 6 Apr 23

Comments: 12 pages without references, 2 Figures, comments are welcome