On a Super-Complete Mathematical Model of Ambipolar Processes of Cumulation and Dissipation in Self-Focusing Structures in Plasma of Planetary Atmospheres in plasma with current [CL]


4D mathematical models of structurally related (conjugated, entangled, dual) phenomena of dissipation and cumulation of electrical energy (an external source in continuous media) are discussed, accompanied by the formation of cumulative-dissipative structures and their ordering into a regular system – a dynamic dissipative “crystal” with a long-range dynamic order. The excitation of new degrees of freedom in such systems provides attractiveness or geometric self-focusing of energy-mass-momentum flows (EMMF) for the entire regular system. As a result of cumulation, EMMF structures acquire hyper-properties. The cumulation of EMMF in rendered structures is a common property of media activated to form 4D structures. The basis of such a dissipative structure is an attractor, the end result of which is a cumulative jet from an attractor with hyper-properties. Therefore, these structures are cumulative-dissipative. We discuss a method for describing these structures and prove that cumulative processes in plasmoids exist and can be described theoretically, although not with the help of full-fledged mathematical 4D models. It has been theoretically and experimentally proven that the cumulation of the electric field due to the ambipolar drift of the plasma is an inherent property of the current carrying gas-discharge plasma. The results obtained by modeling shock waves of the electric field (E/N) can be useful to explain the cumulative formation in the heliosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere of the Earth, since the Earth has a negative charge of about 500,000 C, and the Sun positively charged at the level of 1400 C. Based on the mathematical approach, a classification of shock waves and types of cumulation in 4D space-time will be carried out.

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P. Vysikaylo
Wed, 5 Apr 23

Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures, this https URL