Maximal temperature of strongly-coupled dark sectors [CL]

Taking axion inflation as an example, we estimate the maximal temperature ($T_{\rm max}^{ }$) that can be reached in the post-inflationary universe, as a function of the confinement scale of a non-Abelian dark sector ($\Lambda_{\rm IR}^{ }$). Below a certain threshold $\Lambda_{\rm IR}^{ } < \Lambda_{\rm 0}^{ } \sim 2\times 10^{-8}{ } m{\rm pl}^{ }$, the system heats up to $T_{\rm max}^{ } \sim \Lambda_{\rm 0}^{ } > T_{\rm c}^{ }$, and a first-order thermal phase transition takes place. On the other hand, if $\Lambda_{\rm IR}^{ } > \Lambda_{\rm 0}^{ }$, then $T_{\rm max}^{ } \sim \Lambda_{\rm IR}^{ } < T_{\rm c}^{ }$: very high temperatures can be reached, but there is no phase transition. If the inflaton thermalizes during heating-up (which we find to be unlikely), or if the plasma includes light degrees of freedom, then heat capacity and entropy density are larger, and $T_{\rm max}^{ }$ is lowered towards $\Lambda_{\rm 0}^{ }$. The heating-up dynamics generates a gravitational wave background. Its contribution to $N^{ }{\rm eff}$ at GHz frequencies, the presence of a monotonic $\sim f{\rm 0}^3$ shape at $(10^{-4}{ } – 10^2{ })\,$Hz frequencies, and the frequency domain of peaked features that may originate via first-order phase transitions, are discussed.

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H. Kolesova, M. Laine and S. Procacci
Mon, 3 Apr 23

Comments: 21 pages