On the impact of $f(Q)$ gravity on the Large Scale Structure [CEA]


We investigate the exponential $f(Q)$ symmetric teleparallel gravitation, namely $f(Q)=Q+\alpha Q_0(1-e^{-\beta\sqrt{Q/Q_0}})$ using \texttt{ME-GADGET} code to probe the structure formation with box sizes $L_{\mathrm{box}}=10/100$ Mpc$/h$ and middle resolution $N_p^{1/3}=512$. To reproduce viable cosmology within the aforementioned modified gravity theory, we first perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling on OHD/BAO/Pantheon datasets and constrain a parameter space. Furthermore, we also derive theoretical values for deceleration parameter $q(z)$, statefinder pair ${r,s}$ and effective gravitational constant $G_{\mathrm{eff}}$, perform $Om(z)$ diagnostics. While carrying out N-body+SPH simulations, we derive CDM+baryons over density/temperature/mean molecular weight fields, matter power spectrum (both 2/3D, with/without redshift space distortions), bispectrum, two-point correlation function and halo mass function. Results for small and big simulation box sizes are therefore properly compared, halo mass function is related to the Seth-Tormen theoretical prediction and matter power spectrum to the standard \texttt{CAMB} output.

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O. Sokoliuk, S. Arora, S. Praharaj, et. al.
Fri, 31 Mar 23

Comments: MNRAS accepted version