The possible time variation of the fundamental constants of nature has been an active subject of research in modern physics. In this paper, we propose a new method to investigate such possible time variation of the speed of light $c$ using the updated Hubble diagram of high-redshift standard candles including Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) and high-redshift quasars (based on UV-X relation). Our findings show that the SNe Ia Pantheon sample, combined with currently available sample of cosmic chronometers, would produce robust constraints on the speed of light at the level of $c/c_0=1.03\pm0.03$. For the Hubble diagram of UV+X ray quasars acting as a new type of standard candles, we obtain $c/c_0=1.19\pm0.07$. Therefore, our results confirm that there is no strong evidence for the deviation from the constant speed of light up to $z\sim 2$. Moreover, we discuss how our technique might be improved at much higher redshifts ($z\sim5$), focusing on future measurements of the acceleration parameter $X(z)$ with gravitational waves (GWs) from binary neutron star mergers. In particular, in the framework of the second-generation space-based GW detector, DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (DECIGO), the speed of light is expected to be constrained with the precision of $\Delta{c}/c=10^{-3}$.
Y. Liu, S. Cao, M. Biesiada, et. al.
Tue, 28 Mar 23
Comments: 11 pages,8 figures, accepted by ApJ
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