Electron-Ion Temperature Ratio in Astrophysical Shocks [GA]


Collisionless shock waves in supernova remnants and the solar wind heat electrons less effectively than they heat ions, as is predicted by kinetic simulations. However, the values of T$_e$/T$_p$ inferred from the H alpha profiles of supernova remnant shocks behave differently as a function of Mach number or Alfv\'{e}n Mach number than what is measured in the solar wind or predicted by simulations. Here we determine T$_e$/T$_p$ for supernova remnant shocks using H alpha profiles, shock speeds from proper motions, and electron temperatures from X-ray spectra. We also improve the estimates of sound speed and Alfv\'{e}n speed used to determine Mach numbers. We find that the H alpha determinations are robust and that the discrepancies among supernova remnant shocks, solar wind shocks and computer-simulated shocks remain. We discuss some possible contributing factors, including shock precursors, turbulence and varying preshock conditions.

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J. Raymond, P. Ghavamian, A. Bohdan, et. al.
Fri, 17 Mar 23

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