Could Fast Radio Bursts Be Standard Candles? [HEAP]

Recently, fast radio bursts (FRBs) have become a thriving field in astronomy and cosmology. Due to their extragalactic and cosmological origin, they are useful to study the cosmic expansion and the intergalactic medium (IGM). In the literature, the dispersion measure DM of FRB has been considered extensively. It could be used as an indirect proxy of the luminosity distance $d_L$ of FRB. The observed DM contains the contributions from the Milky Way (MW), the MW halo, IGM, and the host galaxy. Unfortunately, IGM and the host galaxy of FRB are poorly known to date, and hence the large uncertainties of $\rm DM_{IGM}$ and $\rm DM_{host}$ in DM plague the FRB cosmology. Could we avoid DM in studying cosmology? Could we instead consider the luminosity distance $d_L$ directly in the FRB cosmology? We are interested to find a way out for this problem in the present work. From the lessons of calibrating type Ia supernovae (SNIa) or long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as standard candles, we consider a universal subclassification scheme for FRBs, and there are some empirical relations for them. In the present work, we propose to calibrate type Ib FRBs as standard candles by using a tight empirical relation without DM. The calibrated type Ib FRBs at high redshifts can be used like SNIa to constrain the cosmological models. We also test the key factors affecting the calibration and the cosmological constraints.

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H. Guo and H. Wei
Fri, 20 Jan 23

Comments: 19 pages, 1 table, 11 figures, revtex4