Paschen-line Constraints on Dust Attenuation and Star Formation at z~1-3 with JWST/NIRSpec [GA]

We use medium resolution JWST/NIRSpec observations from the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey to place the first constraints on dust attenuation and star formation based on the Paschen lines for a sizable sample of 63 galaxies at redshifts z=1.0-3.1. Our analysis indicates strong correlations between the Balmer decrement, Ha/Hb, and line ratios that include the Paschen lines (i.e., Paa/Hb, Pab/Hb, and the Paschen decrement, Paa/Pab), suggesting that the former is sensitive to the overall dust obscuration towards HII regions in high-redshift galaxies. The line ratios are used to derive the nebular reddening, E(B-V)neb, and star-formation rates (SFRs). There is marginal evidence that SFRs deduced from the Paschen lines may exceed by ~25% those derived from the Balmer lines alone, suggesting the presence of star formation that is optically thick in the Balmer lines, though deeper observations are needed to confirm this result. Using the Paschen-line constraints on bolometric SFRs, we reevaluate the relationship between dust obscuration and UV spectral slope, and find a reddening of the UV continuum that, on average, follows the SMC extinction curve. This analysis highlights the need for deeper spectroscopy of more representative samples to evaluate nebular dust attenuation and bolometric SFRs in high-redshift galaxies, and their relationship to the reddening of the UV continuum.

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N. Reddy, M. Topping, R. Sanders, et. al.
Thu, 19 Jan 23

Comments: 9 pages, 8 figures, 1 table