Observational constraints of diffusive dark-fluid cosmology [CEA]


In this work, we consider an interacting dark-fluid cosmological model in which energy exchange between dark matter and dark energy occurs through diffusion. After solving the background expansion history for a late-time universe, we attempt to constrain the cosmological parameters by comparing simulated values of the model against Supernovae Type 1A data. We consider four different cases and compare them against the LCDM model as the “true model”. Our results show that the diffusive model in which dark energy flows to dark matter is the most likely alternative to LCDM model. This model is not only in line with Planck 2018 observational results but can also give a potential explanation to the so-called Hubble tension.

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R. Mekuria and A. Abebe
Tue, 10 Jan 23

Comments: There are 20 pages and 20 Figures in this article, comments are welcome