The detection of an extraordinarily-luminous high-redshift optical/ultraviolet flare by Swift/UVOT [HEAP]

Hyper-luminous optical/ultraviolet flares have been detected in Gamma-ray Bursts and the record was held by naked eye event GRB 080319B. Such flares are widely attributed to internal shock or external reverse shock radiation. With a new dedicated method developed to derive reliable photometry from saturated images of Swift/UVOT, here we carry out time-resolved analysis of the initial White band $150~{\rm s}$ exposure of GRB 220101A, a burst at the redshift of 4.618, and report a rapidly-evolving optical/ultraviolet flare with an unprecedented-high absolute AB magnitude $\sim-39.4$. At variance with GRB 080319B, the temporal behavior of this new flare does not trace the gamma-ray activities. Rather than either internal shocks or reverse shock, this optical/ultraviolet monster is most likely from the refreshed shocks induced by the catching-up of the late-ejected extremely-energetic material with the earlier-launched decelerating outflow. We detect the first ultraviolet/optical flare with an absolute AB magnitude brighter than $-39$ and reveal the efficient process to power such transients.

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Z. Jin, H. Zhou, Y. Wang, et. al.
Mon, 9 Jan 23

Comments: 40 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables, submitted