Despite being created through a fundamentally quantum-mechanical process, cosmological structures have not yet revealed any sign of genuine quantum correlations. Among the obstructions to the direct detection of quantum signatures in cosmology, environmental-induced decoherence is arguably one of the most inevitable. Yet, we discover a mechanism of quantum recoherence for the adiabatic perturbations when they couple to an entropic sector. After a transient phase of decoherence, a turning point is reached, recoherence proceeds and adiabatic perturbations exhibit a large amount of self-coherence at late-time. This result is also understood by means of a non-Markovian master equation, which reduces to Wilsonian effective-field theory in the unitary limit. This allows us to critically assess the validity of open-quantum-system methods in cosmology and to highlight that re(de)coherence from linear interactions has no flat-space analogue.
T. Colas, J. Grain and V. Vennin
Tue, 20 Dec 22
Comments: 5 + 12 pages, 4 + 2 figures
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