Massive black hole assembly in nuclear star clusters [HEAP]

Nuclear star clusters, that fragment into metal-poor stars in situ at the centers of protogalaxies, provide ideal environments for the formation of intermediate-mass black holes with masses $10^3-10^6M_\odot$. We utilize the semi-analytic model implemented in Rapster, a public rapid cluster evolution code. We implement simple recipes for stellar collisions and gas accretion/expulsion into the code and identify the regimes where each channel contributes to the dynamical formation of intermediate-mass black holes via repeated mergers of stellar black-hole seeds. We find that intermediate-mass black hole formation is almost inevitable if the initial mean density of the nuclear cluster is $>10^8M_\odot{\rm pc}^{-3}$. Million solar mass black holes can form within 100 Myr in the heaviest ($>10^7M_\odot$) and most compact ($<0.5~{\rm pc}$) nuclear clusters. We demonstrate that by today these resemble the observed range of nuclear clusters in dwarf galaxies and that there are potential gravitational-wave signatures of the massive black-hole formation process.

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K. Kritos, E. Berti and J. Silk
Thu, 15 Dec 22

Comments: 13 pages, 7 figures