On-going or soon to come cosmological large-scale structure surveys such as DESI, SPHEREx, Euclid, or the High-Latitude Spectroscopic Survey of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope promise unprecedented measurement of the clustering of galaxies on large scales. When quantified with the Cartesian Fourier basis, the measurement of these large scales requires the introduction of so-called wide-angle corrections. By contrast, the measurement of the power spectrum in a spherical Fourier Bessel (SFB) basis does not require such corrections and naturally accounts for the spherical survey geometries. Here, we develop and implement a fast code to construct the SFB power spectrum and investigate how line of sight effects, physics such as non-Gaussianity, and differing survey geometries affect SFB power spectrum estimates. We then leverage our program to predict the tightness of cosmic growth constraints from realistic survey specifications using a Fisher matrix formalism.
B. Khek, H. Gebhardt and O. Doré
Tue, 13 Dec 22
Comments: 9+2 pages, 11 figures
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