Constraining the bispectrum from bouncing cosmologies with Planck [CEA]

Bouncing models of cosmology, as they arise e.g. in loop quantum cosmology, can generate close-to-scale-invariant fluctuation spectra as observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). However, they are typically not Gaussian and also generate a bispectrum. It was proposed that these models can help to mitigate the large-scale anomalies of the CMB by considering large non-Gaussianities on very large scales, which decay exponentially on sub-horizon scales. It was therefore thought that this non-Gaussianity would not be visible in observations, which can only probe sub-horizon scales. In this letter we show that bouncing models with parameters such that they can mitigate the large-scale anomalies of the CMB are excluded by the Planck data with high significance of, depending on the specific model, $6.4$ or $14$ standard deviations.

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B. Tent, P. Delgado and R. Durrer
Tue, 13 Dec 22

Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure