Detection of Dipole Modulation in CMB temperature anisotropy maps from WMAP and Planck using Artificial Intelligence [CEA]

Breakdown of rotational invariance of the primordial power spectrum manifests in the statistical anisotropy of the observed Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. Hemispherical power asymmetry in the CMB may be caused due to a dipolar modulation, indicating the presence of a preferred direction. Appropriately re-scaled local variance maps of the CMB temperature anisotropy data effectively encapsulate this dipolar pattern. As a first-of-its-kind method, we train Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) with such local variances as input features to distinguish statistically isotropic CMB maps from dipole modulated ones. Our trained ANNs are able to predict components of the amplitude times the unit vector of the preferred direction for mixed sets of modulated and unmodulated maps, with goodness of fit ($R^2$) scores $>97\%$ for full sky, and $>96\%$ for partial sky coverage. On all observed foreground-cleaned CMB maps, the ANNs detect the dipolar modulation signal with overall consistent values of amplitudes and directions. This detection is significant at $97.21\%-99.38\%$ C.L. for all full sky maps, and at $98.34\%-100\%$ C.L. for all partial sky maps. Robustness of the signal holds across full and partial skies, various foreground cleaning methods, inpainting algorithms, instruments and all the different periods of observation for Planck and WMAP satellites. The significant and robust detection of the signal, in addition to the consistency of values of amplitude and directions, as found independent of any pre-existing methods, further mitigates the criticisms of look-elsewhere effects and a posteriori inferences for the preferred dipole direction in the CMB.

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M. Khan and R. Saha
Fri, 9 Dec 22

Comments: 33 pages, 11 figures