Offsets between X-ray and Radio Components in X-ray Jets: The AtlasX [HEAP]

The X-ray emission mechanism of powerful extragalactic jets, which has important implications for their environmental impact, is poorly understood. The X-ray/radio positional offsets in individual features of jets provide important clues. Extending the previous work in Reddy et al. 2021, we present a detailed comparison between X-ray maps deconvolved using the Low Count Image Reconstruction and Analysis (LIRA) tool and radio maps of 164 components from 77 Chandra-detected X-ray jets. We detect 94 offsets (57%), with 58 new detections. In FR II-type jet knots, the X-rays peak and decay before the radio in about half the cases, disagreeing with the predictions of one-zone models. While a similar number of knots lack statistically significant offsets, we argue that projection and distance effects result in offsets below the detection level. Similar de-projected offsets imply that X-rays could be more compact than radio for most knots, and we qualitatively reproduce this finding with a “moving-knot” model. The bulk Lorentz factor derived for knots under this model is consistent with previous radio-based estimates, suggesting kpc-scale jets are only mildly relativistic. An analysis of X-ray/radio flux ratio distributions does not support the commonly invoked mechanism of X-ray production from inverse Compton scattering of the cosmic microwave background but does show a marginally significant trend of declining flux ratio as a function of distance from the core. Our results imply the need for multi-zone models to explain the X-ray emission from powerful jets. We provide an interactive list of our X-ray jet samples at this http URL

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K. Reddy, M. Georganopoulos, E. Meyer, et. al.
Tue, 6 Dec 22

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