Broadband mHz QPOs and spectral study of LMC X$-$4 with AstroSat [HEAP]

We report the results of broadband timing and spectral analysis of data from an AstroSat observation of the High Mass X-ray binary LMC X$-$4. The Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) and Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) instruments on-board the AstroSat observed the source in August 2016. A complete X-ray eclipse was detected with the LAXPC. The 3$-$40 keV power density spectrum showed the presence of coherent pulsations along with a $\sim 26$ mHz quasi-periodic oscillation feature. The spectral properties of LMC X$-$4 were derived from a joint analysis of the SXT and LAXPC spectral data. The 0.5$-$25 keV persistent spectrum comprised of an absorbed high energy cutoff power law with photon index of $\Gamma \sim$ 0.8 and cutoff at $\sim$16 keV, a soft thermal component with kT${BB} \sim$ 0.14 keV and Gaussian components corresponding to Fe K$\alpha$, Ne \textsc{ix} and Ne \textsc{x} emission lines. Assuming a source distance of 50 kpc, we determined 0.5–25 keV luminosity to be $\sim 2 \times 10^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$.

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R. Sharma, C. Jain, K. Rikame, et. al.
Mon, 5 Dec 22

Comments: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society