Data processing pipelines need to be executed at scales ranging from small runs up through large production data release runs resulting in millions of data products. As part of the Rubin Observatory’s pipeline execution system, BPS is the abstraction layer that provides an interface to different Workflow Management Systems (WMS) such as HTCondor and PanDA. During the submission process, the pipeline execution system interacts with the Data Butler to produce a science-oriented execution graph from algorithmic tasks. BPS converts this execution graph to a workflow graph and then uses a WMS-specific plugin to submit and manage the workflow. Here we will discuss the architectural design of this interface and report briefly on the recent production of the Data Preview 0.2 release and how the system is used by pipeline developers.
M. Gower, M. Kowalik, N. Lust, et. al.
Wed, 30 Nov 22
Comments: 4 pages, submitted to Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXII, October 2022
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