Significance Mode Analysis (SigMA) for hierarchical structures. An application to the Sco-Cen OB association [GA]

We present a new clustering method, Significance Mode Analysis (SigMA), to extract co-spatial and co-moving stellar populations from large-scale surveys such as ESA Gaia. The method studies the topological properties of the density field in the multidimensional phase space. We validate SigMA on simulated clusters and find that it outperforms competing methods, especially in cases where many clusters are closely spaced. We apply the new method to Gaia DR3 data of the closest OB association to Earth, Scorpio-Centaurus (Sco-Cen), and find more than 13,000 co-moving young objects, with about 19% of these having a sub-stellar mass. SigMA finds 37 co-moving clusters in Sco-Cen. These clusters are independently validated by their narrow HRD sequences and, to a certain extent, by their association with massive stars too bright for Gaia, hence unknown to SigMA. We compare our results with similar recent work and find that the SigMA algorithm recovers richer populations, is able to distinguish clusters with velocity differences down to about 0.5 km s$^{-1}$, and reaches cluster volume densities as low as 0.01 sources/pc$^3$. The 3D distribution of these 37 coeval clusters implies a larger extent and volume for the Sco-Cen OB association than typically assumed in the literature. Additionally, we find the association to be more actively star-forming and dynamically more complex than previously thought. We confirm that the star-forming molecular clouds in the Sco-Cen region, namely, Ophiuchus, L134/L183, Pipe Nebula, Corona Australis, Lupus, and Chamaeleon, are part of the Sco-Cen The application of SigMA to Sco-Cen demonstrates that advanced machine learning tools applied to the superb Gaia data allows to construct an accurate census of the young populations, to quantify their dynamics, and to reconstruct the recent star formation history of the local Milky Way.

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S. Ratzenböck, J. Großschedl, T. Möller, et. al.
Mon, 28 Nov 22

Comments: Submitted after first revision to A&A