2D Hybrid method:Case of VLF signal amplitude variations in the time vicinity of an earthquake [CL]


Extraction of information in the form of oscillations from noisy data of natural phenomena such as sounds, earthquakes, ionospheric and brain activity, and various emissions from cosmic objects is extremely difficult. As a method for finding periodicity in such challenging data sets, the 2D Hybrid approach, which employs wavelets, is presented. Our technique produces a wavelet transform correlation intensity contour map for two (or one) time series on a period plane defined by two independent period axes. Notably, by spreading peaks across the second dimension, our method improves apparent resolution of detected oscillations in the period plane and identifies the direction of signal changes using correlation coefficients. We demonstrate the performance of the 2D Hybrid technique on a very low frequency (VLF) signal emitted in Italy and recorded in Serbia in time vicinity of the occurrence of an earthquake on November 3, 2010, near Kraljevo, Serbia. We identified a distinct signal in the range 120-130 s that appears only in association with the considered earthquake. Other wavelets, such as Superlets, which may detect fast transient oscillations, will be employed in the future analysis.

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A. Kovacevic, A. Nina, L. Popovic, et. al.
Wed, 23 Nov 22

Comments: published in Mathematics MDPI