Sudden braking and turning in the single/multi-stream inflation: primordial black hole formation [CEA]

We study a two-field inflation model with a Gaussian bump on the potential, also known as the multi-stream inflation, which can give rise to multiply inflationary trajectories with various interesting phenomena. With a shifted Gaussian bump, the multiply streams are approximately reduced to a single stream. We find that when inflaton rounds the Gaussian potential, its speed is easily slowed down, and thus the slow-roll parameter can be largely reduced. Consequently, the original decaying modes of comoving curvature perturbations during the slow-roll phase start growing, and lead to enhanced small-scale density perturbations which can produce amounts of primordial black holes (PBHs) and associated scalar-induced gravitational waves. In addition, inflaton also undergoes sudden turnings at the encounter of the Gaussian potential, which is insignificant to the overall curvature power spectrum since their durations are quite short. Our work gives a simple example of the extension of a bump-like potential for PBH formation in a single-field inflation to a two-field case, which can relax the fine-tuning of initial conditions to some extent.

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C. Fu and C. Chen
Tue, 22 Nov 22

Comments: 25 pages, 6 figures