This paper presents the generation of a suit of mock catalogs of dark matter halos and galaxies, aiming at the assessment of precise covariance matrix for cosmological analysis. The set of halo mock catalogs display accurate summary statistics and detailed assignment of halo properties (e.g., velocity dispersion, halo mass), enabling the possibility of using models of halo occupation distribution (HOD) to construct mock catalogs with different galaxy types. In particular, we generate mock catalogs based on HOD for emission-line galaxies, key target for experiments such as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). To this end, we rely on the Bias Assignment Method (BAM), in conjunction with the Scinet LIghtCone Simulations of halo mock catalogs (at $z\sim 1$) as training set. We demonstrate the high accuracy of the mocks in the one (abundance), two-(e.g. power spectrum), three- (e.g. bispectrum), four- (covariance matrices of two point statistics), and six-point statistics (covariance matrices of three-point statistics), both in real and redshift space. BAM offers a robust way to produce fast and accurate halo distributions which can be used to generate a variety of multi-tracer catalogs with precise covariance matrices of a number of cosmological probes.
A. Balaguera-Antolínez, F. Kitaura, S. Alam, et. al.
Tue, 22 Nov 22
Comments: Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome
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