We present a 140ks observation of NGC 4593 with XMM-Newton providing simultaneous and continuous PN X-ray and OM UV (UVW1 2910\AA) lightcurves which sample short-timescale variations better than previous observations. These observations were simultaneous with 22d of Swift X-ray and UV/optical monitoring, reported previously, and 4d of AstroSat X-ray (SXT), far (FUV 1541\AA), and near (NUV 2632\AA) UV allowing lag measurements between them and the highly-sampled XMM. From the XMM we find that UVW1 lags behind the X-rays by 29.5$\pm$1.3ks, $\sim$half the lag previously determined from the Swift monitoring. Re-examination of the \textit{Swift} data reveals a bimodal lag distribution, with evidence for both the long and short lags. However if we detrend the Swift lightcurves by LOWESS filtering with a 5d width, only the shorter lag (23.8$\pm$21.2ks) remains. The NUV observations, compared to PN and SXT, confirm the $\sim$30ks lag found by XMM and, after 4d filtering is applied to remove the long-timescale component, the FUV shows a lag of $\sim$23ks. The resultant new UVW1, FUV, and NUV lag spectrum extends to the X-ray band without requiring additional X-ray to UV lag offset, which if the UV arises from reprocessing of X-rays, implies direct illumination of the reprocessor. By referencing previous Swift and HST lag measurements, we obtain an X-ray to optical lag spectrum which agrees with a model using the KYNreverb disc-reprocessing code, assuming the accepted mass of $7.63\times10^{6}M_{\odot}$ and a spin approaching maximum. Previously noted lag contribution from the BLR in the Balmer and Paschen continua are still prominent.
M. Beard, I. McHardy, K. Kumari, et. al.
Mon, 21 Nov 22
Comments: 13 pages, 23 figures
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