Evolution and Possible Forms of Primordial Antimatter and Dark Matter celestial objects [CL]


The structure and evolution of Primordial Antimatter domains and Dark matter objects are analysed. Relativistic low-density antimatter domains are described. The Relativistic FRW perfect-fluid solution is found for the characterization of i) ultra-high density antimatter domains, ii) high-density antimatter domains, and iii) dense anti-matter domains. The possible sub-domains structures is analyzed. The structures evolved to the time of galaxy formation are outlined. Comparison is given with other primordial celestial objects. The features of antistars are outlined. In the case of WIMP dark matter clumps, the mechanisms of their survival to the present time are discussed. The cosmological features of neutrino clumping due to fifth force are examined.

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M. Khlopov and O. Lecian
Fri, 18 Nov 22

Comments: Prepared for Proceedings of XXV Bled Workshop “What comes beyond the Standard models?”