A ~600 pc view of the strongly-lensed, massive main sequence galaxy J0901: a baryon-dominated, thick turbulent rotating disk with a clumpy cold gas ring at z = 2.259 [GA]


We present a high-resolution kinematic study of the massive main-sequence star-forming galaxy (SFG) SDSS J090122.37+181432.3 (J0901) at z=2.259, using 0.36 arcsec ALMA CO(3-2) and 0.1-0.5 arcsec SINFONI/VLT H-alpha observations. J0901 is a rare, strongly-lensed but otherwise normal massive (log(M_star/M_sun)~11) main sequence SFG, offering a unique opportunity to study a typical massive SFG under the microscope of lensing. Through forward dynamical modeling incorporating lensing deflection, we fit the CO and H-alpha kinematics in the image plane out to about one disk effective radius (R_e ~ 4 kpc) at a ~600pc delensed physical resolution along the kinematic major axis. Our results show high intrinsic dispersions of the cold molecular and warm ionized gas (sig0_mol ~ 40 km/s and sig0_ion ~ 66 km/s) that remain constant out to R_e; a moderately low dark matter fraction (f_DM(R_e) ~ 0.3-0.4) within R_e; and a centrally-peaked Toomre Q-parameter — agreeing well with the previously established sig0 vs. z, f_DM vs. Sig_baryon, and Q’s radial trends using large-sample non-lensed main sequence SFGs. Our data further reveal a high stellar mass concentration within ~1-2 kpc with little molecular gas, and a clumpy molecular gas ring-like structure at R ~ 2-4 kpc, in line with the inside-out quenching scenario. Our further analysis indicates that J0901 had assembled half of its stellar mass only ~400 Myrs before its observed cosmic time, and cold gas ring and dense central stellar component are consistent with signposts of a recent wet compaction event of a highly turbulent disk found in recent simulations.

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D. Liu, N. Schreiber, R. Genzel, et. al.
Thu, 17 Nov 22

Comments: 29 pages and 21 figures in total (14 pages and 10 figures in main text and the rest in appendix). Accepted for publication in ApJ