Hybrid Pulsar-Magnetar Model for FRB 20191221A [HEAP]


We show that the 216.8$\pm$0.1 ms periodicity reported for the fast radio burst (FRB) 20191221A is very constraining for burst models. The high accuracy of burst periodicity (better than one part in 10$^3$), and the 2\% duty cycle (ratio of burst-duration and inter-burst interval), suggest a pulsar-like rotating beam model for the observed activity; the radio waves are produced along open field lines within $\sim 10^7$ cm of the neutron star surface, and the beam periodically sweeps across the observer as the star spins. According to this picture, FRB 20191221A is a factor $\sim 10^{12}$ scaled up version of galactic pulsars with one major difference: whereas pulsars convert rotational kinetic energy to EM waves, the outbursts of 20191221A require conversion of magnetic energy to radiation.

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P. Beniamini and P. Kumar
Wed, 16 Nov 22

Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures